past workshops:
november 2010
> Title "Text Only"
> Saturday 27 November 2010
> 12:00 - 17:00
> Give - what it is worth
> Open to all "fringe characters" (women, men, activists)
> At Wolfart Projectspaces
> Wolphaertstraat 25 b/c
> 3082 BK Rotterdam
The "Text Only" workshop will introduce participants to interacting with the computer operating system from a command line interface. In Windows terminology one would run a DOS "box", while in Linux and Mac OS X the terminal window gives access to a prompt from which to send commands to the computer. The more familiar one gets in this text only environment the more you can do with your computer :)!
The "Computer hardware crash course" is a good way of getting to know what a computer is. But nowyou want to Do something with it. The idea for a "next level" workshop has been around for a while and is finally going to be put into practice. How do you interface with the computer from a prompt, command line, shell, terminal or virtual console? For us the workshop is ready to be tested and tweaked, but we need feedabck. In other words the purpose of this afternoon is not only to present it but also to improve it!
The first part (+/- 2 hours) will include:* what is "the prompt"?
* traversing the computer from the command line interface,
* finding your way around (manual pages, help, grep …),
* a vocabulary (examples of commands),
* the grammar (stringing commands together),
* compare and contrast commands and terminal landscape in the different operating systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS X
The second part (+/- 2 hours) will include:
* discuss the concept of computer literacy (GUI vs CLI, clicking vs writing)
* improve the workshop (flow, slide presentation, practical exercises, and the script for facilitators)
Please email with your questions, suggestions and if you would like to participate.
See you there,
Donna, Maria, Sabrina, Audrey
may 2009
e-l-e-c-t-r-o-n-i-c-s workshop
*when: May 24th, 2009
*where: moddr_lab | Willem Buytewechstraat 188, Rotterdam [NL]
*who: verena friedrich (workshop facilitator)
*what is:
Electronics workshop for beginners – we will focus on building simple sound generating and amplifying devices from scratch. You’ll get to know some basic components and tools needed, get familiar with basic electronic concepts (e.g. How to use a multimeter? What is voltage exactly? How to read a circuit diagram?), acquire some soldering skills and build your own sound circuits and devices. No previous knowledge required.
interested? limited space -> RSVP : audrey AT {this domain name}
march 2009
Genderchangers @ Winter Camp !
(this is not genderchangers organising a workshop but rather 'workshoping itself' for the week @ winter-camp -- so that's why we've been quiet ;)Winter Camp is an event, organized by the Institute of Network Cultures and took place 3-7 March 2009 in Amsterdam. "Network Cultures Winter Camp will be a mix of presentations and work spaces with an emphasis on getting things done. It will be a four-day program of work spaces and plenary presentations, in which a dozen networks (each of which has 5-15 people) can work on their specific current topics."
Networks involved (along with genderchangers) also include goto10, and bricolabs.
january 2009
HTML/CSS (follow-up) with Selena Savic and Tamar Litvak
december 2008
Making a website with HTML/CSS with Sonja van Kerkhoff
*see workshop photo slideshow
november 2008
Desktop Virtualization Software with Donna Metzlar